How Long Does A Mac Last For

The standard MacBook Pro 13 Inch warranty covers 90 days of telephone support and a limited warranty for one year. If you purchase the AppleCare Protection Plan you can extend the warranty to three years for the MacBook Pro 13. In the end, any computer that is properly maintained can last several years. If you run maintenance scripts regularly, check battery status, and such, you’ll likely expand the MacBook’s or Mac computer’s lifetime. Just use the computer as you normally do, doing tasks you normally do, then when Mac OS alerts you that the battery is about to run out, it’s a good time to check how long it has lasted for. How to See Time on Battery of MacBook Pro, MacBook, MacBook Air. Hard-core Mac fans would be amazed at how many 2015 Mac upgraders are still running OS X Lion, which came out four years ago, or earlier versions of the operating system such as 2007’s OS X.

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How Long Do Macbooks Last

Best Answer: That is anyones guess, it will also depend on how much you use it or how hard you are on it My MacBook came with a basic one year warrenty, and my campus added a 3 year warrenty to go along with it I would highly suggest an extra warrenty, every laptop I have ever had has had atleast some hard ware problems while I owned it. I have already had to have Mac put a new monitor in my laptop, and now I need to send it back again to get a new dvd burner. On the plus side, they have amazing customer service. It took 3 days to send them my computer, fix it, and get it back. Monitors/batterys are problems with laptops, they break often no matter which brand you buy.Mac or PC. First of all, what do you mean by 'last'? Free mp4 converter mac.

Do you mean how sturdy is it? If that's the question, the answer is that MacBooks are VERY sturdy. They're made of a tough polycarbonate that resists damage pretty well. If you take care of it, Mac laptops can last a very long time. You can still find lots of original Powerbooks and clamshell iBooks for sale, in nearly-new condition. Apple builds their stuff to last. If you're talking about how long before the technology is outdated, again, with Macs we're talking about something different than with PCs.

How Long Does An Apple Computer Last

You can run OS X on computers made ten years ago, and the speed isn't important unless you're doing major video editing, image editing, sound editing, or trying to play hardcore videogames (and for that, I suggest a game console, not a computer). It all depends what you want to do. If you want to do Internet, email, word processing, minor Photoshop, IM, and things like that, then the MacBook will be more than enough for at least five years, and probably be decent enough for the next eight years, give or take. The nice thing about Macs is that they retain their resale value. If you keep it in good condition, you can probably sell it in two years for about 2/3 of what you paid for it, or more! That's what I do.

I keep a Mac for a year or two, then upgrade and sell the old one. I love my MacBook. It's versatile, durable, and can handle everything from Internet browsing to decent gaming (in Boot Camp, on Windows XP, or in OS X with EA Games).

The President's budget includes a 1-year patch on the AMT without a pay-for. The President has said he won't sign the bill that is before us today. That is what the Senate passed by a rather large vote very recently, 88-5. Phone number for mac thornberry office.

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